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From 2018-2019, the % of women in CS increased. From 2016-2019, the % of international students in CS increased. However both number stayed fairly stable (or fell slightly) between 2019-2020.
Student funnding in CS descriptions here
Data is number of years between start and official formation of special committee
Data is number of years between start and completion of A exam
In IS it is most common for people to take A exam at the beginning of their fourth year (between 3-3.5 years), with approximately the same nubmer of people taking the exam in the year before that as the year after that. No one takes their exam earlier than their third year.
In CS it is most common to take A exam in the second semester of third year or at the begining of their fourth year, with approximately the same number of poeple taking the exam at the beginning of the third year as at the end of the fourth year. A few people take the exam in their second of fifth years.
Women in CS usually take their A exam approximately a semester later than men. However, both women and men still graduate at the same time. This indicates that women in CS take less time between completion of A exam --> B exam.
Data is number of years between start and completion of B exam
In IS most people graduate in either 5 or 6 years. If they don't graduate in 5 years, it is more common to take 6 years than 5 and a half.